Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Why God MUST be all about His own Glory

What is glory? The dictionaries say brilliant radiant beauty or Magnificence.
Hmmm... I would add that someone's glory is the overflowing essence of that person. The weight of one's importance. Not his worth but the display of his worth. The shadow that tells you how big or important he is. That's my definition of glory.

So why is everything geared to be about Gods glory? Why are we instructed to give God glory? Why does God say " I will not give my glory to another?" Why is this glory such a big deal that we Christians are even encouraged to suffer for  'Gods glory'?

To answer this, I want to argue that someone must deserve glory in order to demand it or to be worthy of it. In other words, you must earn it. It must be due to you otherwise you shouldn't get it in the first place!

So this becomes the big question- is God worth the glory that we are commanded to give Him? Pretty easy question for me.  Anyone who can speak millions of galaxies into existence, anyone who is infinite and all seeing and all knowing and powerful, anyone who is not bound by time and calls the shots -that person can get my praise any day! I wouldn't hesitate to give Him His due glory! He is worth it! All glory is due to God- and Him alone!

Okay, so if God is worth it, why should He demand it? Shouldn't it just come naturally from his subjects? Shouldn't they be singing non stop about His wonders? You would think so, right? I mean, it's the only logical conclusion, isn't it? But it doesn't happen. Reason? Sin.

At the fall of man, he became self centered.  Envy, jealousy, pride, selfishness, conceit all these took over in mans heart. This means his focus turned in wards. Away from God. He wanted everything for himself. Most of life's problems are due to this terrible disease- the ' me, I and myself' mentality. Anyway, that's the reason we don't give God all the glory that He deserves- coz we are so self absorbed!

But isn't God love? Doesn't God give us free will and free choice? So why should he trumpet about Himself? Why should He advertise Himself and demand for us believers to constantly advertise Him and put him on a pedestal?
It's because of LOVE!  God's demand for His glory is actually for our own good! Let me explain.

If you believe that God is the ultimate being, the one where the buck stops, then it should be easy for you to believe that He is the most valuable thing  you could ever receive, right? Bread is not better than the baker. Money is not more important than the money owner. The worth of the creator can not be compared to that of the creature or anything the creature has made or values. This is what I am trying to say- There is nothing more valuable than God. There is nothing God can give you that is equal to Himself. That is, if God were to  give you everything He owned but Himself, he would be holding out on you!  It's only until He offers Himself- that's when you become truly rich! There is nothing more valuable than God! That's coz He is the source of all things! So God calls us to worship and glory in Him because He is the best anyone can get. Best of the best! Him offering Himself to us is pure LOVE. That's  why He asks us to leave all the worthless things we are chasing in this world and chase Him! Get it?  

If God didn't invite us to enjoy Him, He would be holding out the best from us! If God didn't make a big deal about Himself and asked us to worship something else, He would be cruel and mean. If God didn't idolize Himself but idolized something else, He would be committing idolatry! So God MUST be all about His glory so that His Love can be displayed! Celebrating God's glory is celebrating God's Love for us!

Now, the question we have been trying to answer is- why should we suffer for Gods' glory? Why should I as an individual suffer on earth  for His glory? What would motivate a sinful man like me to go through pain and suffering for God's glory? Same reason again. LOVE!

If you love someone, you will do what is in their best interest right? You would give everything you have to prove it, right? In a case of true love, you would cross mountains and rivers, you would endure hard times to prove your love was genuine, right? You would move heaven, earth and galaxies to prove your point, correct? Coz that is what TRUE love does.Love counts no costs. Love just loves! 

Hmmm... So if I love God, this means I will do anything to prove my love for Him right? I would withstand verbal  abuse at school from all the ' cool' kids. I would read my Bible on a friday night instead of partying and engaging in all manner of immoral acts. I would- like the apostle Paul,  count it all nothing in comparison to serving God. Like Jesus, I would lay down my life gladly to bring Glory and Honour to His name. This means I would gladly SUFFER and even DIE. To prove my love for Him.

But what would motivate me to love God this much? What would motivate me to give Him all the glory? Don't you get it yet? JESUS! Look at the cross. See Jesus, and see God's love. It's easy to love God when you realize that He loved you even before you ever thought of Loving HIM! While we were yet still sinners, God sent His only son to die for us! That's motivation right there! I give God the glory because He is worth it and because He is love and because He actually cares for a sinful rebellious sinner like myself! Plus He promises me eternity in Heaven if I endure! That's my motivation!
So if God deems it fit for me to suffer or go through pain for His glory and for my personal spiritual growth, guess what? 
I will say there is glory in my pain! I will praise the Lord my God to whom all honour and glory is due- forever and ever! AMEN!

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