Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why Your Life Is a Set Up

You are not in charge.You control nothing. That's a hard statement to swallow for any human being. We think we have choice and free will and that we can do "what we please". We are proud. We try to build legacies- from pride. Always looking for ways to leave our 'mark' in life. Our names are a big deal to us. We are always consciously or unconsciously trying to put ourselves or our works on a pedastool. But we forget something. In light of eternity our lives are minute.Think about all the people (billions) who have lived before you, the billions who are alive now and the billions who will live after you. Still feeling important? Let me put it this way- your just an itty bitty grain of sand on a very large beach! Your life is no more important than the next persons. Your work is to - with the help of the other grains of sand- cover a piece of earth! In other words- your just another little piece of metal in a much larger contraption. A cog wheel of sorts-if you like. You weren't put on the stage of life for a solo You serve a greater purpose than your own. Your life is not about you. You,me and everybody else-we are all part of somebody else's story. somebody greater and in control. God. It's His story. We were all created to be part of God's story. Our little stories are in His bigger story. Little movies within one Mega block buster.

Wether your Hitler, Idi Amin, mother Teresa, a pastor, a rock star, the devil, a whore, a thief.... Whatever you are - a tree, a tornado... Whatever. You serve Gods purpose. Because you are on God's green earth.Wether you like it or not- you serve God's purpose and ensure that His plans work according to what He pre-destined. Something like a privileged extra in a very very big film! Or put another way,your a piece in His puzzle- a tiny little piece in a very very large and complex puzzle. And guess who chose your shape, color and which part you fit in? Obvious... God.

So... your a sworn Atheist? You don't believe in God? Well , good luck with that. When judgement day comes- your going to 'help' prove that God is a Righteous King- because a Just God must punish sin. He needs sinners to drive that point home. Maybe your the opposite -your a 'pretty good' person? You figure your an 'okay' person.So, you do awesome things for people? Guess what? God allows you to do those things. In other words- you glorify God by your works- you testify to the fact that God still uses regular folks to 'keep' things going. Remember- your just another tiny cog wheel in a bigger contraption? Your existence is not about you. Your own life is not about you! It's been lent to you. Your living on borrowed time. Someday you will have to answer to the giver of life for how you spent the oxygen he let you inhale. Your being here is not about you. If it was about you- then you wouldn't have to answer to anybody right? Oh, but you will answer to somebody someday. That is certain. That day will and must come! 

Think about the devil for a moment.
God could just as easily have destroyed Satan after his rebellion in heaven. But He let the poor devil live. Why? Why would a Good God let evil thrive, you ask?  well, simple- for His purposes. Evil has a purpose. Think with me about the redemption plan- Jesus, God's Son dying on the cross. In the absence of sin,Jesus would not have come to  this earth to die for sinners. Sin had to come in- otherwise the redemption plan would be meaningless! So God has power and authority over evil- He uses it in His story. Evil has crucial scenes in God's movie.If you doubt Gods authority over the devil- ask yourself why the devil asked God for permission to torture Job. Or why the demons that Jesus cast out asked for permission to go into pigs- or when He rebuked them not talk about Him they obeyed? Think about the Bible. Definitely the oldest yet best preserved book of all time. Why has it's contents been securely preserved for so long? Think about it. For whose benefit? Yours? Mine? No! For Gods glory. The Book bleeds God-who He is, what He has done,what He will do, what His plan is. It's all about Him. Something like an autobiography.The most important self portrait in the world. All about Him.

God is love. God is good. God is sovereign. God has a bigger picture- a mosaic. And you, me, creation, good and evil- everything- somehow fits in His big blue print. It's all for His glory and purposes. It's never about you. Dont even for a moment try and flatter yourself! God's will and purpose is way bigger than you and your little insignificant life. You should be on your knees-begging for mercy and favor. You should be humbled that the greatest story teller-the world's undisputed greatest movie Producer and Director has allowed you to appear in a scene in his biggest movie.

 But then again, If you don't like it- go ahead and create your own earth and then you can dictate your own terms- you can then change the rules around! Go ahead, create yourself from scratch,then create the world,fill it with people and then run it! I dare you.

So what's my point?  Simple really. Surrender. Why fight a battle you can't win. That's being foolhardy.He made you. You didn't create yourself. He made everything. Your life is as minute as that single grain of sand - your one tiny grain of sand on a large beach - so how can you boast? Your identical to the grain of sand next to you. You can't move yourself anywhere you want-unless wind or the waves move you. Your  there to fill up space and be part of the beach- not an independent grain of sand. BUT-your  equally important. You and the other grains of sand DO create the beach. In other words-God doesn't need you- but you need Him. Otherwise your life ceases to make sense or have any meaning. Remember- it's His story. But then again- whether you chose to surrender to God and His plan for your life or not doesn't really bother Him- either way- you are already in His plans and His story. That's why your life is a set up!


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